Our Team / Saraí Jiménez

Saraí Jiménez

Senior associate


At Better World Group, Saraí Jiménez amplifies the expertise and leadership of communities, partners, and clients to support the holistic wellbeing of people, wildlife, and ecosystems.

Saraí collaborates with communities, community-based organizations, and environmental justice organizations, to integrate their needs and priorities into initiatives and policies that achieve equitable and durable outcomes. 

Before joining BWG, she led community engagement initiatives and facilitated multi-entity partnerships during the development of multi-benefit, public access, habitat restoration projects in Southern California. Saraí also built strong partnerships with grassroots organizations, local communities, and non-profit organizations in Mexico to advance environmental and social justice goals.   

Saraí earned her Bachelor of Arts in History with a concentration in Latin America from Pomona College. She enjoys everyday sightings of wildlife, connecting with others through food, and traveling with some good tunes.